Screenshot from 2003
Blog was not a word back in around 2000 when I started having a web page for Efaki.
The page in the initial stage was really the user space available to every user of my at the time – internet provider and the first major transformation came around 2002 when I registered the web address.

Screenshot from 2006
MS Frontpage was the software used to create it and in reality, it was a chronological report of my mishaps, adventures, and information learned about the boat type and sailing in general as back then resources were scarce and limited in content.
Google was not what is now and so in order to discover other similar sites and web pages, “siterings” as the “Cruising Yachts” were created. There you could find similar interest pages and for those who participated, gain a few readers.

Screenshot from 20012
Screenshots courtesy of:/https://web.archive.org/